Renewing expired racks

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Keep an expired rack past its expiration date by renewing the rack and assigning it a new expiration date.

Opening the Rack Management - Container Selection Screen

  1. Click Manage in the Navigation Menu under the heading Racks.
    Navigation Menu
    Racks > Manage

  2. The Rack Management - Container Selection Screen will be displayed. This screen contains a list of containers and a link that will display a screen showing all expired racks in all containers. The Container Name for each of the containers in the list will be a clickable link.
    Rack Management - Container Selection Screen

Locating Expired Racks

  1. Click on the Container Name Link corresponding to the container in which the racks being renewed reside.
  2. The Rack Management - Rack Selection Screen will be displayed listing all of the racks currently residing in the selected container with all pertinent information on each rack in the container.
    Rack Management - Rack Selection Screen

    • Racks are sorted by expiration date and the information about each rack, such as Rack Type and Expiration Date, is color coded for quick reference.
      • Expired rack's information is displayed in red text.
      • Active rack's information is displayed in black text.
      • Locked rack's information is displayed in blue text.
  3. Click the Show Expired Racks Button to display only racks that are expired if desired. When this button is clicked, it will be replaced with the Show All Racks Button which will display all racks once again when clicked.
    Rack Management - Rack Selection Screen
    Showing Only Expired Racks

  4. Select the check boxes corresponding to the racks being renewed.
  5. Click the Renew Racks Button to renew the selected racks.
  6. The Rack Renewal Selection Screen will be displayed showing the Rack ID for each selected rack and the rack renewal options.
    Rack Renewal Selection Screen

  7. Select the new expiration date for the selected racks by using any of the following options:
    • Click the 1 Day Button to set the racks to expire one day from now.
    • Click the 1 Week Button to set the racks to expire one week from now.
    • Enter a specific date for the racks to expire and click the Custom Button.
  8. The Rack Renewal Confirmation Screen will be displayed showing the new expiration date, the list of selected Rack IDs, and the Add Note Check Box.
    Rack Renewal Confirmation Screen

  9. Ensure that the correct expiration date and Rack IDs are displayed. If any of the information is incorrect, Click the No Button to return to the Rack Management - Rack Selection Screen.
  10. Click the Add Note Check Box to display the Add Note Text Box in which a note for this renewal can be entered if desired.
  11. Click the Yes Button to confirm the new expiration date for the selected racks and to return to the Rack Management - Rack Selection Screen.

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