Using the picklist

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Each user account in tube.tracker has its own picklist which can be utilized to streamline the workflow of certain procedures including transferring specimens to a new rack and deleting specimens from the system. The Picklist Screen serves multiple purposes by both displaying information about the specimens on the current picklist and providing a jumping-off point for many other operations.

Clearing the Picklist

When working with picklists, it is important to ensure that the Picklist is empty before adding specimens to it. Specimens from the previous picklist will remain until either an action is performed on them or they are cleared from the picklist. Failing to clear the picklist of these legacy specimens may result in actions being performed on unintended specimens.

  1. Click Picklist in the Navigation Menu.
    Navigation Menu

  2. The Picklist Screen will be displayed.
    1. If the Picklist is empty:
      • The Picklist Screen will display a message stating "You currently have no specimens in your picklist".
        Picklist Screen
        Empty Picklist
      • Proceed to Adding Specimens to the Picklist.

    2. If the Picklist is not empty:

Adding Specimens to the Picklist

  1. Click Search in the Navigation Menu.
    Navigation Menu
  2. The Specimen & Rack Search Screen will be displayed.
    Specimen & Rack Search Screen

  3. Locate a desired specimen using the Specimen Search. Refer to Searching for a specimen for more information.
    Specimen & Rack Search Screen
    Search Results

  4. Click the Add Button in the Picklist column corresponding to the desired specimen.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until all desired specimens have been added to the Picklist.

Viewing the Picklist

  1. Click Picklist in the Navigation Menu.
    Navigation Menu

  2. The Picklist Screen will be displayed.
    Picklist Screen
  3. Sort the Picklist alphabetically by either Specimen ID or Container by clicking on the corresponding column header. To sort in reverse alphabetical order, click the corresponding column header a second time.

Printing the Picklist

  1. Click on the Print Picklist Button.
  2. A new browser window or tab displaying a printer-friendly version of the picklist will be displayed.
    Picklist Print Screen

  3. Click File and then click Print in the browser's menu or press Ctrl+P on the keyboard to display the browser's print dialog.

After the picklist has been printed, it is safe to close this browser window or tab.

Removing Specimens from the Picklist

  1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the specimens being removed from the picklist.
  2. Click the Remove from Picklist Button button.
  3. The Removal from Picklist Confirmation Screen will be displayed showing the Specimen ID, Rack ID, and Position in Rack for each specimen being removed.
    Removal from Picklist Confirmation Screen

  4. Ensure that the correct specimens have been selected for removal from the picklist. If any of the displayed specimens should not be removed, click the No Button to return to the Picklist Screen.
  5. Click the Yes Button to remove the selected specimen(s) from the picklist and return to the Picklist Screen.

Clearing the Picklist

  1. Click the Clear Picklist Button.
  2. The Picklist Clearing Confirmation Screen will be displayed.
    Picklist Clearing Confirmation Screen
  3. Click the Yes Button to clear the Picklist. Click the No Button to return to the Picklist Screen.

Deleting Specimens from the System

In addition to the procedure for deleting specimens from an existing rack, specimens can be deleted from the system using a picklist.

  1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the specimens being deleted from the system.
  2. Click the Delete from System Button.
  3. The Picklist Deletion Confirmation Screen will be displayed showing the Specimen ID, Rack ID, Position in Rack, and Container Name for each specimen being deleted.
    Picklist Deletion Confirmation Screen

  4. Ensure that the correct specimens have been selected for deletion from the system. If any of the displayed specimens should not be deleted, click the No Button to return to the Picklist Screen.
  5. Select the Add Note Check Box to display the Add Note Text Box in which a note about the selected specimens can be entered.
  6. Click the Yes Button to delete the selected specimen(s) from the system and return to the Picklist Screen.

Transferring Specimens to a New Rack

Picklists are a simple way to transfer specimens to a new rack as opposed to manually creating a new rack and then transferring each specimen individually.

  1. Select the check boxes corresponding to the specimens being transferred to a new rack.
  2. Click the Transfer to New Rack Button.
  3. The Picklist Transfer Rack Selection Screen will be displayed.
    Picklist Transfer Rack Selection Screen

  4. Select a destination container from the Container Menu to designate where the rack will be stored. If administrators have specified a default container, it will be pre-selected.
  5. Select the type of rack from the Rack Type Menu. If administrators have specified a default rack type, it will be pre-selected.
  6. Enter or scan a Rack ID into the Rack ID Text Box. If the provided Rack ID is already in use, an error message will be displayed and a new, unique Rack ID will be requested when the Add Rack Button is clicked.
  7. Select the Add Note Check Box to display the Add Note Text Box in which a note about this transfer can be added.
  8. Click the Add Rack Button.
  9. The Picklist Specimen Transfer Confirmation Screen will be displayed showing:
    • New Rack Information Box: Displays the Container, Rack Type, Rack ID, and any Notes for the new rack.
    • Specimen(s) to transfer: Displays the Specimen ID, Source Rack ID, Source Position in Rack, and Destination Position in Rack for each specimen.
    • Clear specimen(s) from picklist after transfer Check Box: Clears all of the specimens involved in the transfer from the picklist when the transfer is complete. Leave this check box unselected if the specimens should remain in the picklist to have another function performed on them.
      Picklist Specimen Transfer Confirmation Screen

  10. Ensure that the correct specimens have been selected for transfer, and that the information in the New Rack Information Box is accurate. If any of the displayed specimens should not be transferred or if any of the information in the New Rack Information Box is inaccurate, click the Cancel Transfer Button to return to the Picklist Screen.
  11. Click the Transfer Specimen Button to transfer the specimen(s) to the destination displayed in the New Rack Information Box and to return to the Picklist Screen.

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